Thursday, November 20, 2014

WebGL Chrome Experiment that FAIL IN FIREFOX

I used FireFox to find experiments that only work on Chrome.
Below are some of the links to the experiments that do not work on FireFox.

JS Racing

Racer S

WebGL Terrain

WebGL Chrome Experiments using Google's Chrome Browser

I went into the chromexperiment website and browsed through some 3D experiments.
Among the several experiments I went through, one of the experiments I chose was Street Cloud.

The graphics was amazing on this experiment. I tried setting the location as San Francisco and later tried the location as New York.
On the bottom right there is a map with red dots which is the location of the graphics being shown.

I switched around with the point size.

This is a screenshot with a small point size.

A screenshot with a large point size.

This is a screenshot from a wider view.

Another experiment I went through was ABGo! Create.
This experiment was a game. Where I drive a cart to the finish line.
And as I pass a new level, a new obstacle is unlocked.

A screenshot of driving the cart.

A fell into a hole after falling from a jump.

The third experiment I chose was Bloom- Parametric Flora.
I the flower continuously moves when it is left alone.

A closer view of the flower, the texture of the flower can be seen and the gradation of the flower can be seen easily.

The bloom size, expand size, growth, spin and color could be changed.
I changed the color of flower and switched around the settings of the flower.

Another screenshot of the flower from a closer angle. 
The end of the lower petals can be seen in this screenshot.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Final #3: Group Building Project

Our group used meshmoon to build a house, a garage and a pool.
This is a progress screenshot the making of the garage.

This is another progress screenshot of the garage.
I used brick patterns for the garage and made a yellow door.

I used a cone for the roof of the garage.

This is a screenshot from another angle.

I wrote my name and the building name (garage) using 3D text for the final screenshot.

Using Meshmoon Rocket, I created a house in the virtual world. 
 It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Final 5c: My Customized Java Game

This is a screenshot of me changing the actor's images.
I changed the snake image into teddy bears.

This is a final screenshot of my customized Java Game.
I changed the turtle into a baby and changed the background into white paper and lettuce into balls.

This is a direct link to my customized Java Game.

This is the last part of the Java Game final. I personalized my game by changing the images of the characters/objects.
 It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Final 5b: Greenfoot lettuce and snake

This is a screenshot of coding for the turtle.

This is a screenshot of the final version of the game that I coded.

This is a link to the second part of the game.

This is a part of the final where we added new commands and characters to the Greenfoot trick or treat game. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College.  The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics.  For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Final 5a: Greenfoot JoC #4 Finally some code!

I opened the JoC page and downloaded the trick-the-turtle zip. 
This is a screenshot of the zip filed opened on Greenfoot.

I made a new turtle on the background.

I opened the file editor on the turtle character and added movement to the turtle.

I added more turtles and made one of the turtles move.

I opened the file editor and switched around the movement of the turtles.
Above is a screenshot of the file editor of the turtles.

Above is a screenshot of the turtles moving around in large circles.

This final is the beginning of a three part assignment based around Greenfoot. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education class that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at 

The Educational Grid

I read through the educational grid reading.
Below is the link to the reading.

Final #4: High Resolution Avatar

I downloaded the Makehuman program. I didn't know how to upload my photo to customize my avatar so I made my avatar manually. I change the gender of my avatar to 100% female, changed the age to 22.

I also changed my avatar to be 100% Asian. 

I realized there could be lots done on customizing my avatar, I changed the face and body shapes manually. 

I screenshot of changing my hands, but couldn't see much difference. 

The measurements could be done exactly as wanted.

I put some clothes on my avatar, since she was bare naked.
I customized her eyes, eyelashes, eyebrows, hair and etc.

I made her body skeleton as basic, since I didn't know the difference among the other skeleton shapes.

This is a post of me exploring the Make Human program. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Final #2: Six Monocular Depth Cues

Through Meshmoon I explored the virtual world and found different monocular depth cues.
In the screenshot above, size differences can be seen. There are four tables and chairs. These table sets are all sized the same, but by placing my avatar from a different angle, it can be seen that the table closest to my avatar looks big and the table furthest from my avatar look small.

The two screenshots above show occlusion. Occlusion is where an object closer can block the view of the object behind. In the first screenshot, the lighthouse can be seen in the middle. However, as seen in the bottom screenshot, by changing the angle of the view of my avatar, the lighthouse can be blocked by the wooden polls.

In the screenshot above lighting and shading can be seen. 
The light coming in from the window can be seen on the wall, and the window pain can also be seen.
On the grey pillar by the window, the shade of the grey is darker on the right. The light coming from the window is making the pillar's shadow darker, hence the darker grey tone.

The two screenshots above show texture density. Texture density is where the texture of the objects look different from the distance. In the first screenshot, each stone can be seen on the stone wall. On the other hand, in the second screenshot, the stones can barely be seen from a distance. The distance makes the texture less obvious.

In the screenshot above, linear perspective can be seen. Linear perspective is where lines that are parallel, eventually have a vanishing point. In the screenshot above the wood of the bridge eventually cannot be seen at the end because of linear perspective. Since each wood of the bridge is parallel, the bridge vanishes from our sight.

In the two screenshots above, atmospheric perspective can be seen. Atmospheric perspective is where objects that are close appear to be detailed and objects further away appear to be less sharp. In the first screenshot the details of the detail of the mural can be seen since my avatar is close. The shade of the curtains and details such as the bricks of the wall can be seen. On the other hand, in the second screenshot, the details of the murals cannot be seen in a distance, neither can the bricks of the wall can be seen. 

This is a post of me going through Meshmoon Rocket and observing the Six Monocular Depth Cues. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education course that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at

Class 10 leader board

This is a screenshot of the newly updated leader board.

FINAL PROJECT: Building my Immersive Libraries/Museum

I went into Meshmoon and entered my virtual world.
I added an image and edited the frame and size.

This is a screenshot of the edited first image, I also added a title.
This is a photo I took at a BC hockey game.

A screenshot with another image. The new image is a picture taken from Halloween.

I added a total of six images, resized each one and placed them so they could be seen well.

I cloned some trees and made more trees on the side.

I added a cobblestone platform so my avatar could stand on it to see the images.

Another screenshot of the new additions to my virtual world.
On the right, the rocket I made from last week's assignment can be seen.

This is me using Meshmoon creating a Immersive Library /Museum by including 5 of my own personal pictures that I took and 3D objects that I created on Meshmoon. It is a final exercise from the Immersive Education class that I am taking at Boston College. The course is called Discovering Computer Graphics. For details, visit the immersive BC portal at