Thursday, October 23, 2014

Class 8: Getting started with Vector and Bitmap graphics in Scratch

This is a screenshot of reading about Vector Graphics.

This is a screenshot of starting of with scratch in Vector Graphics.
I entered a new background.

I made a new sprite with my own handwriting.
I wrote my middle name Summer in it.

I entered two new sprites and added actions to them.

This is a link to the Scratch project I made in Vector Graphics mode.
When you press the green flag, the snowman moves and music comes out.
When you press the space bar the polar bear does flips.
And when you press on the text SUMMER the text moves.

I started a new scratch project using Bitmap.
On the bottom corner there is a selection for bitmap.
I added a dragon as a sprite.

I wrote my name in.

I added another sprite of a dog.

This is a link to the Scratch project I made in Bitmap mode.
Click the green flag and the dragon will move and make sounds.
Press the space bar and the dog will move.

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