I went into the chromexperiment website and browsed through some 3D experiments.
Among the several experiments I went through, one of the experiments I chose was Street Cloud.
The graphics was amazing on this experiment. I tried setting the location as San Francisco and later tried the location as New York.
On the bottom right there is a map with red dots which is the location of the graphics being shown.
I switched around with the point size.
This is a screenshot with a small point size.
A screenshot with a large point size.
This is a screenshot from a wider view.
Another experiment I went through was ABGo! Create.
This experiment was a game. Where I drive a cart to the finish line.
And as I pass a new level, a new obstacle is unlocked.
A screenshot of driving the cart.
A fell into a hole after falling from a jump.
The third experiment I chose was Bloom- Parametric Flora.
I the flower continuously moves when it is left alone.
A closer view of the flower, the texture of the flower can be seen and the gradation of the flower can be seen easily.
The bloom size, expand size, growth, spin and color could be changed.
I changed the color of flower and switched around the settings of the flower.
Another screenshot of the flower from a closer angle.
The end of the lower petals can be seen in this screenshot.
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