Thursday, October 16, 2014

Class 6, Assignment 7

I made a canvas account to do the assignment. 
I looked around for what designs I wanted to use for the assignment.

This is a screenshot of a new design, Album/Podcast Cover.
This is a screenshot of the layout I chose.

I changed the text and the font size and added my name on the corner.
I decided to keep the bird and using a text balloon, I made a circle and sent it to the way back so it would not cover the bird of the text.

This is the album cover I made.

The second design I chose was a social media design.
Above is a screenshot of the layout I chose.

I changed the words, font size and colors of the text.

This is the finalized version of my second design.

I chose a business card as my third design.
Above is a screenshot of the layout I chose.

I uploaded a picture of myself, resized my photo, wrote in my name and personal information.

This is the finalized version of my third design.

For my last design, I chose the facebook cover. 
For this design, I decided not to use a layout that is give. 
Instead, I found an image online and uploaded my own.

I uploaded an image and resized it so it would fit in the template.
I also added a quote that I like and using text box added in as a text.

This is the finalized version of my last design.

1. What is Canva?

Canva is a design website for graphic design. The description for Cava is "Amazingly simple graphic design for blogs", and it is true. The website offers diverse templates, such as album covers, social media post, business cards and etc. These templates also has many layout options that are already designed and some parts can be edited, such as a color, font, and text. There are also options to design one's own design from scratch. 

2. Is Canva a bitmap graphics tool, a vector graphics tool, or both?

Canva is a vector graphics tool. When I was resizing my photo on the business card design, I realized that the photo did not blur out and pixel were not visibly larger.

3. How is Canva similar to Piktochart?

Canva and Piktochart are similar. Both programs have templates, allows users to upload images and write in texts, change fonts and size.

4. How is Canva different than Piktochart?

Canva obviously has much more template options and layout options. The template option is available for different uses, different social media use, like facebook and twitter, business cards, blog posts, album cover and etc. The layout options alone practically has the design set up and only the text needs to be changed. There are numerous options available for the layout and text box. And most of these designs are also free. Piktochart, on the other hand, does not have that many options. There are not that many images or layouts available. 

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